Sunday, November 10, 2013

top 5 places to shop!

I've been getting asked a lot lately by my fellow mama friends where I buy Maddox's stylin' clothes so I decided to do this post in the spirit of all those compliments! I just wanted to say though that on an everyday basis where we are spending our time at home cuddling on the couch I just put him in plain Carters onesies with matching track pants. He hates being dressed in a million layers and I really don't blame him! He is starting to come around to his beanies and cool hats which I am overjoyed about!
And that leads me into my number 5 favourite place to shop for Maddox,

I love finding accessories at H&M because their beanies and baby shoes are soooo affordable and adorbs! Also check out the cotton button down cardigans, they always have every colour of the rainbow so I buy them all!

I think the thing I love most about shopping all things Joe Fresh is the price! How many pieces I can get that would only get me one thing at Gap. Onesies are usually 5 bucks a piece so I will use that as a base  of an outfit and pair it with the more expensive things. I love doing that! 

Every mom wants to be able to multi-task, so when I go into Zara I can accomplish just that! Get what I need for me AND what I need for Maddox..which is everything I can fit in my two hands! Everything is so stylish and looks like men's clothing that has been shrunk down to the size of a baby. I always want it all!

When I discovered Etsy it was a total where have you been all of my life moment! Kind of like when you discover a Starbucks chai latte but BETTER. It is the kind of stuff you never will find in stores. All kinds of Organic fabric and handmade baby items. You can even contact shop owners to customize clothing, how amazing is that?! 

And if you haven't already figured it out, then baby Gap is my favourite place to shop!!! Probably because I've been wearing it since I was a baby myself so it was only tradition to shop there for my boy. 3/4 of his wardrobe is from Gap. I wish I could tell you why I love it so much but I really don't know. It is it's own style and so much of it is so classic and won't go out of style. **Make sure you sign up for their emails to get discount codes and coupons!! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It's that time again

Wow, time sure flies when you are having fun! How cliche of me to say eh? But in all seriousness, I am shocked at how fast these weeks have been going by. My baby is growing like a weed and is officially 4 months old (but not old)! He has been hitting so many milestones lately and yes, I cry every time..which has me wondering who is the baby around here?! Some little things to take note of are how much he loooves television, he is mesmerized by it. Also, he is fascinated with his toes and feet lately, always grabbing at them. He hasn't rolled over yet but he is wiggling onto his side and in NO time will be reaching that 360 degree turn so I am being extra-cautious. So here's everything him & I are lovin' right now and pretty much use on a daily basis at this 4 month mark! 

1. Sophie 
This has got to the be the cutest teething toys on the market right now. It is so popular and babies just love it! It isn't very colourful but makes a squeaking sound for stimulation. If you haven't already, go get one!

2. Jumperoo
If you were a baby wouldn't you want one of these? I seen a little girl playing in one at a friend's baby shower and immediately but it on my to buy list (a very long list I may add) his feet just barely touch at this point in time but today he starting spinning the wheel with his hand over and over again. I was a proud mama! I definitely recommend this for your little

3. Bumbo
My son is a very curious and nosy baby! He is really starting to not like lying down on his back or even propped up on a pillow so this has been a saviour. He is always watching me like a hawk! I definitely would advise buying the tray and safety straps that go with it because I've heard some scary stories from other mamas' out there. But it is classic and everyone has one so add it your collection!

4. Munchkin Mesh Feeders
Maddox just had his first tooth cut through and has been really miserable because his gums are sore. I bought these and put small ice cubes inside to relieve some of the pain. These are such a good idea and holy right now! I prefer these to any medicines

5. Lullaby Apps
I don't rely on these to get my baby to sleep but once in a while I need a little help! Especially now that he is teething. Download a couple and see which works best for your little angel!

6. Bright starts lots of links
I hang these on everything lately! One pack contains 24 plastic links in different colours so it's perfect for sensory stimulation. They also attach toys to carseats, strollers, swings, jumperoo...anywhere really! Bonus: teething toy as well. Gotta love multi-function items

Bye October

Hi lovelies! I wish fall lasted all year long but now we have entered the long month of November. Saying hello crisp air and warm jackets! Just wanted to post some pictures of Maddox's first  Halloween. It rained all day & night unfortunately for my small town and we only got 4 trick or treaters! Or should I say teenagers... Which meant plenty of left over candy, chocolate, and chips and now I have five extra pounds attached to my hips! But he looked cute as can be even though I rushed out the night before to find a costume after visiting a bunch of stores locally and in the states. I am so picky sometimes, especially when it comes to my little man. Only the best for him of course!! I decided to match him and we were both Frankenstein! I tend to gravitate towards the scary costumes rather than cutesy ones even since I was little. To me that is what Halloween is all about! Anyways, check us out!

                            Baby Costume: Spirit Halloween/ Black dress: TJ Maxx